Skidaway State Park, Savannah, GA |
So the day didn't go as planned. Well, guess that is what about living this life is all about, life doesn't always go the way you plan, so you just roll with the punches. We got a later start then planned and had dinner reservations on Hilton Head so took the scooter, a 400 Suzuki Bergman, and took off for the Island. From here at Skidaway State Park outside of Savannah it took about 50 mins., as we took the scenic route there. Some parts of that "scenic" route I told Dusty I didn't want to repeat after dark!! But we did see some of Savannah I am sure others don't. We arrived on Hilton Head and stopped at the visitor center and found out there were places we couldn't go on the bike, FYI for you bikers of any kind. One of them being where the famous Candy Cane color litehouse is. We did find out about Honey Horn Plantation Coastal Discovery Museum which was the main residence of the island long before there was a bridge there which wasn't til 1956. At one time of owners of the Plantation owned 20,000 acres of the 30,000 acres on the island. It was very interesting and all the buildings are original from 1733 on through 1998 when it was sold to the city of Hilton Head for a museum which just opened in 2007, so if your on the island make a point to stop by.They also have a piece of the shuttle Atlas V which launced last May 22 and washed upon the beach of Hilton Head in October. NASA said it never should have arrived there as it broke off over San Salvador, but there it was and is probably the closes we will come to a piece of a missle launch!! We then took off to see the ocean, yeah right. By this time our day was running out and we had only about 45 mins. to see the beach, well you can't get there from there. You can pay to park and hike to the beach or you can own or rent property on the beach. You can not drive along anywhere and see water. If we had more time I would not have minded paying it is just that we will be in Florida for a month and half, so sure we will see plenty of beach. We did enjoy the drive and decided Hilton Head isn't our kind of place. We then went to dinner and were glad we had reservations early, but we had a Groupon coupon and had already decided to have one of their early dinner meals, but the waiter said we couldn't use it on early bird specials. Now remember we have been riding the bike all day and I definitely have "helmet hair" and casual clothes (hey it said casual) which I guess isn't casual on Hilton Head. We ended up having two "Fancy salads" as Dusty called them an order of mussels and fries and shared a chocolate souffle as we had never had one. Poor Dusty the salads were the smallest salads , but good, the mussels were delicious and in his effort to get all the french fries spillt the bowl of mussel juice ( hey he was hungry) and the souffle just went poof when he took the first bite. I guess it is back to Pub food for him or I got to get him out more!!!! We then rode back to River ST. in Savannah and walked around for a few hours and decided the action on Bourbon St. is way more fun. So now out of New Orleans, Charleston and Savannah we still LOVE New Orleans!!!!
Today we are going back to Historic avannah and walk some of the squares. There are approximately 22 which are mini-parks with old houses around them, we walked around Washington Square last night. The weather should be in mid-eighties and we are ready for another adventure!!!

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Piece of Atlas V Shuttle that washed upon shore at Hilton Head |
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