Devin and Rose making Dylan cupcakes for his birthday party |
Dusty said we should have just gone to the bakery...but we wouldn't have had so much fun...right girls??!!! |
Rose...really making cupcakes is this hard? |
Here Rose try the filling Devin wants inside the cupcakes!! |
OK Bakers we're not!! |
Chocolate syrup that was suppose to be batter |
Oh and yes girls we still have dishes to do! |
The birthday boy--Dylan |
Here comes the teen years...heaven help us! Sorry his mom Tina couldn't have been here :( |
Devin and Amy...what kind of faces are these??? |
Getting ready for 3 legged race....they didn't get to pick partners....LOL |
OK one kid short so 4 legged race...Devin, Tiffany and Dannon |
Joey...Pin the Tail on the donkey (not the screen) |
Rose....LOL |
Char spinning Trey..... |
Guess I didn't spin him hard enough...pretty close but Brian Philip won |
Dusty and Denny hold stick for Limbo |
Not bad Dylan |
OK kids let me show you how....hop hop hop!! |
Now you got Dylan |
Dannon Akey is the winner...good job..look at those legs bent |
Dylan keeps trying |
Tiffany and Rose |
Dylan and Dannon getting ready for egg race |
Devin and Joey..how are you going to hold the egg??? |
Tug of war starting |
Whoops |
The Girls are the winners...hey Dylan why aren't you helping out? |
The boys tried |
Tiffany |
Even the adults were having a good time |
Brian Lawhead and Denny Akey |
Hot Potatoe or in this case apple |
Angie Akey and Laura Wilson |
Kids having fun |
The girls did a great job on the cupcakes |
Our baby all grown up |
Aaron likes the cupcakes |
The kids get Dylan with Silly String |
Devin, Brian, Dylan, Dude and Tiffany |
LOL Dylan |
Dylan's Party was fun for everyone |
What a crazy weekend!!! Last Thursday Devin, Rose and I made cupcakes for Dylan's birthday. Now this idea was Amy's & Rose's, but Amy took off and went to Ceder Point!!! But it was important, she needed to spend time with her new college room-mate. The girls had a little problem with reading me the recipe and it was my fault for not double checking so we ended up with chocolate syrup instead of chocolate cake batter ,we were making homemade...so we had to add a cake mix to it and a lot more cocoa, but in the end they turned out fine and the girls I think had fun decorating. I do believe the next time we make cupcakes it will be best for me to make the cupcakes and frosting first!! We started at 10 am and ended at 7 pm.....the girls said they had no idea it took so much work!!! Now this is another reason why they shouldn't have taken Home Ec out of the schools!! But I love Devin and Rose and would do it again.
On Friday we had Dylan's 13th birthday. I had decided we would play kids games for it and had come up with Pin the Tail on the Donkey, 3 legged race, Tug a War, Musical Chairs, Egg Race, Hot Potato and at first Dylan said NO WAY was he doing those games. Now I had been smart and talked to the kids here at the park first because I knew that was what he would say and they had agreed to do them and help me with Dylan.......and I must tell you that once they started doing them they didn't want to stop!! They all cooperated and even wanted to keep doing other games I hadn't heard of. Angel and I had gotten prizes and had went with glow sticks items as Angel said all kids love those and she was right. Even the adults had a good time watching the kids and it ended up being a very late night here. Dylan had friends spend the night and sleep wasn't on the agenda.
Sarah and Lori going on the Bubble Bee (Name of Gold cart) |
Everyone headed to shower house...what a night!! |
Sarah and Char |
Before the Potluck Breakfast |
On Saturday we had to clean up from the party (well the kids did) to get ready for the Pancake Potluck Breakfast on Sunday morning. I was very tired (we all were) but went on. Sarah, Lori, Rosie, Jay and Bret came up for the night and I felt sorry that I was so tired and wasn't as good of a host as I should have been. But we grilled pork chops, Brett made wonderful cheese potatoes and they brought other food, even mini cheesecakes made by Rosie and we had a feast. Since they have been coming up they knew other people here at the park (HI Scott...) and we didn't have to entertain them and they went fishing, drinking and played poker....let's just say they had a late night and it was a little hard to get them all up in the morning!! But they did it and jumped in helping. Lori and Rosie were bar-tenders, Bret was the photographer, Jay the bouncer and dog watcher and Sarah helped out where ever I needed her...thanks gang!! It was a huge help to us.
View from our deck |
Dusty enjoying a drink...he does work hard for me..Thanks honey |
Happy Birthday Dylan Grandma loves you |
This was birthday cookies for Dylan's "real birthday" on June 22 |
Regina , Margaret, Char & Dusty |
The Potluck Breakfast idea had started last year when Calvin Stevens decided that we should one and we knew that a lot of people out here couldn't make it to our Wednesday night Happy Hours so this way by having some on Sunday morning everyone that wanted too could attend. And they are a huge success. This year Norm and Cathy Sweet did the pancakes, Calvin and Jim deep fried the bacon..yep deep fried it and everyone loved it. Brian and Jenni said this is how they do it at Martin's Tavern and it was much easier and faster then frying it. Now you must realize we have over 70 people at these gatherings so cooking 30 lbs of bacon has too be done fast and still they had a hard time keeping up with the demand!!! The pancakes were great and then the new hit were the Breakfast Burritos that Lori made......now it was 10 pm before I finally got around to eating one, but I knew then why everyone was still asking me if we had any left over!!! I text her and she said I made 50 and thought that would be enough....HA HA the joke was on her on that one...this group likes to eat!! The Bloody Mary's that Jim Scanlon makes up where a hit again and I made my own version of dilly beans and if I may say so myself they didn't turn out too bad. Mindy had given me the idea to use dill pickle juice, then I looked up a recipe online and added a little of this and that and Connie McCart had gotten me the green beans and we used these for the Bloody Mary's. By 2:00 pm we were winding down and I do believe again everyone had a good time. I would like to thank everyone that came and brought the wonderful food, Norm and Cathy for the pancakes, and everyone that helped out...as we say around here if you come to a potluck and leave hungry it is your own fault!!!
Poluck Breakfast begins |
Rosie and Lori tending bar...Bloody Mary's and Screw Drivers...a very important park of Breakfast |
Kids having fun |
Wendy's smart get in line early |
Bret, Sarah, Rosie, Lori and Jay |
Happy Hour |
Thesse are moths not leaves...cool hug? |
Amazing |
Devin having fun with Joey's hair...poor guy |
Give me a little smooch Dylan...no go away!! LOL |