Dusty starts the 4th Weekend off with Harry Buffalo's!!! and doesn't stop there...... |
Larry (our son) Dylan and Dusty enjoying Cal & Sandy Stevens cook-out |
What in the world do you call this Scott & Penni???? |
A quite moment, Larry & Dusty fishing |
Redneck Dustin Stevens plows into that Harry Buffalo.....LOL |
Dylan and Sarah Howard, she hadn't seen him in two years and yes he had grown!! |
The kids and their fireworks |
Stevie doing fireworks with help from mom Angel |
Fireworks |
Dustin Stevens getting that Harry Buffalo or as he calls it "Mama's Breakfast Juice" |
Kids having a good time...Stevie and Dylan |
Indian Springs |
Jerry Reese helps his daughter Christina learn the "ropes" of tree climbing...yep this is what her dad does for a living!! |
Looks like she has caught on and now maybe she can help Jerry cut down trees!!! |
Cal telling Larry about cooking over the fire |
Dave Wilson checking out Scott & Penni's "Whatcacallit" |
What a week we had. On Monday we went to the American Legion where our friend Linda , on Tuesday we went to Larry & Traci's (son & daughter-in-law) for a wonderful dinner and they got to see Dylan for the first time this summer. When he stood up to hug his uncle it was a a very close call as to height and he now looks down on his aunt. Wednesday we had a informal Happy Hour at Joe & Connie McCart's, informal means no one is officially doing the Happy Hour (because no one signed up to do it) and we all just got together with our own drinks and brought an appetizer to share and just have some adult conversation. On Thursday we went to a new camper here whose name is Tony & he sells duck and he fixed duck about 5 different ways and I must say everyone loved it. We all had duck either for the first time or defiantly in a different way then we ever had it before, I do admit I missed my a'l'orange sauce!! From there we went to the Legion for the monthly money drawing and our friend Linda won big..Dusty had his name drawn for the big $$$ just before we got here so we didn't get it and we were standing with Linda when her name was drawn, since Jim had been in the hospital all week it was wonderful for her...in fact she had won $$ 3 times that week and shame on her for not buying a lotto ticket...LOL. Then on Friday the official 4th of July weekend started and Cal & Sandy Stevens started it off right with a huge cooler full of Harry Buffalo's!!. Now if you don't know what that is, it is a cooler full of booze and fruit and fruit juices. Before the weekend was over Cal said gallons of vodka, other liquor and 70 lbs of ice ( it was a very hot weekend) went into it. They started it and the rest of us just kept adding what we had. The drink was enjoyed by all and they kept it going all weekend..you just dropped by and added to your glass....hmm...refreshing. It was a long evening and since we had started on the drink at 2 pm and didn't stop til 2 am it was an interesting evening if I may say so. Dusty had one of his rare drinking nights saying it was his turn and so I stopped and let him have it and that way at least one of us were able to get things settled for the night and the next morning he was a little foggy....but there was no driving involved so we were safe. Saturday was one hot and humid day. Dylan did little swimming as he said it is too crowded on weekends and it is true there a more campers here, but not as many as in past years in fact it gets less year by year...hmmm...wonder why...oh yeah no bathrooms for the tent'ers yet. But it is nice for us as that means there aren't that many people camped across from us, but there was one nice couple with 3 boys aged 2,3 & 5 who were in love with the "Bumble Bee" golf cart and so I would give them rides through out the weekend and they loved it. Helping other people have a good time is what it is all about. Larry came out for the afternoon and got to go down to Cal Stevens for a cook-out and then he and Dusty went fishing while Dylan and other kids shot off some fireworks. Since it had been a long night on Friday we actually were in bed by 11 pm that night. Then on Sunday we had an informal pancake breakfast and I must say we ended up with more people then I thought would show up but we had just enough pancakes and bacon to go around and orange juice. We are one big family here and that is what we love about this place. I had no sooner cleaned up from breakfast when Gary Serres Jr. came over to say that lunch was ready at his parents Gary & Elana Serres's place and we went over for Bacon, Lettuce,and Tomato sandwiches. Patsy & Bud Hobbs where the ones who put the meal together and Patsy had made home-made potato soup and brought herbs and veggies from her garden. Now since I don't eat Pancakes I had only had one piece of bacon and two pieces of french toast (Amy had made it for me...thank you Amy and it was delicious) so I could eat a BLT sandwich which I never make, so it tasted so good. After visiting for a while we travelled on and visited other friends at the campground. That evening we had the fireworks show and again we turned in early for us... On Monday we went down to Jim & Linda's and visited with Amy (Linda's daughter) and her boyfriend and then went over to talk to Joe & Connie. Connie's mom had a stroke last week and isn't doing well at all and they flew down to Florida on Tuesday. Their son Tom flew in early Monday morning to visit, and left early this morning to join his parents in FL. Oh I forgot...shame on me...that our dear friends Bill & Sarah came out for Bill's birthday and camped over at Julie's, so we had visited with them just a little as they had two grand kids with them and family. Monday evening we were chillin at our site with Bill & Wendy and Larry and Sarah came up to do a little fishing. It is really nice to have our kids drop by more this summer. Dylan had awoke with a fever and very sore throat on Monday and had spent the day in bed sleeping so he didn't get to spent any time with his Aunt & Uncle. Tuesday came and it was time to do some house cleaning and mop floors and just chill. Today is Wednesday which means another Happy Hour and Friday will be chicken at the Legion...yum yum. For the month of July believe it or not I do NOT have one function to be in charge of and get to relax.....doesn't mean we won't be busy tho....hope your Fourth was as much fun as ours!!
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