My Mountain as I call Mt. Rainer, WA |
Getting pics of the mountain on my phone... |
This is one view I never get tired of seeing and will bring tears to my eyes the first time I see it when returning home..either from the ground or the sky!! |
Going over hwy 90 from ID to WA |
Beautiful views |
Dusty and I grew up in the Valley of this mountain, this was taken as we entered my home town of Puyallup, WA, so you can see why I call it "My Mountain" |
"Dylan, Dylan" I yelled "come see "My Mountain"" as I got the first glimpse on a beautiful clear day of Mt. Rainer...he got out of bed (reluctantly) and came in and said "I don't see no mountain" I said "Look over there"...he said "I don't....Oh that is a mountain!!" He too was impressed...I quickly grabbed the camera and started trying to take pictures..he said "What's the big deal? You can get pictures later" Ha ha you can tell that boy wasn't raised in WA state..why any good Washingtonian knows that seeing the mountain on a clear day is a real treat because in a few hours clouds could roll in and it will be gone!!
Mt Rainer is one of the things I miss most and we were lucky that we got to see it clear on many of our days while home. Even our kids were impressed as they all arrived that that it was so clear. You can go for days, weeks and in the winter sometimes months and never see the mountain because of clouds and rain. I mean really it can be a clear day and yet there can be clouds surrounding the mountain it is over 14,000 ft high. If poor Dylan had felt better we were going to take a day and drive up to it since it is only 60 miles from Puyallup, but as you know by now he wasn't well and he does get car sick so no use doing that. There are many things i wanted to do while home and that was to go to the mountain and take Dylan to Sumner where Dusty and I both graduated from high school and take pictures and we never did. It seems like once I get home there is always a million things to do with family.
Dusty and his 3 Aunts on his mom's side of the family
Aunt Jimmie, Aunt Dorothy and Aunt Patsy (ps Patsy is the one I was suppose to meet the night I met Dusty..). |
Dylan, Char, Dusty, Aunt Jimmie, Aunt Dorothy and Aunt Patsy |
Roseberry side of family..L to R
Tom (Traci's husband), Forrest (Sherry's husband), Traci (cousin), Aunt Jimmie, Aunt Dorothy, Dusty, Linda on ground (cousin) Mimi behind her in chair (cousin..hadn't see since 1991)Dylan, Aunt Patsy & Sherry (cousin) |
Dylan, Janice (cousin) & Dusty |
Get that out of here I hate my picture taken.....she babysat for Dusty and I on our Honeymoon..she babysat for my sister and when I needed a babysitter she recommended her cousin Valerie whose Dusty's sister and and that is how I met Dusty when waiting one evening to met Aunt Patsy!!! |
Poor Dyl you can see he feels bad but not too bad to play with Spike, Dyl has a Boston Terrier at home Eve and he really missed her this summer |
Grandma you need a dog...NO!! |
Of course that was the reason we were here in WA and as soon as we plugged in the motor-home and leveled it ,put out the slides we went directly to Dusty;s cousin's house as we found out that three of his Aunt's wee there and 5 cousins. So it was a perfect time to go and give Dylan a chance to meet some of his family. We had every intention to go back and as you will see the days just didn't allow it!!
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